Pet Dental Health Care
Increasingly, we have made efforts to educate our clients of the fact that it is just as important to have their pets’ teeth examined and cleaned on a regular basis as it is to protect their own teeth and gums. Call today to schedule a dental consultation.
Traditional Dental Services
Pet dental procedures do not routinely require overnight hospitalization, yet often can improve your pet’s physical health just as quickly!
Our services include:
- Cleaning
- Polishing
- Tooth Extraction
- Full-Mouth X-Rays
All stages of dental care include anesthesia, hospitalization and nursing care. In the event that extractions are required, nerve blocks are administered to help decrease the discomfort associated with the procedure.
For your pet’s safety, all sedated/anesthetized patient’s heart function and respiration are routinely monitored during the procedure. The doctor will be able to tell you which state your pet’s dental condition is.
1. Routine Periodontal Therapy
Designed for younger pets with mild tartar accumulation. All teeth are cleaned free of tartar and polished with fluoride. These pets do not require extractions, antibiotics or pain medication.
2. Gingivitis with Moderate to Advanced Accumulation of Tartar
One or two small teeth may need to be extracted. These pets require an antibiotic injection and are dispensed antibiotics for home administration. An injection for pain will also be given in the event extractions need to be performed. All teeth are cleaned and polished with fluoride.
3. Advanced Periodontal Disease
Moderate to advanced gingivitis with advanced tartar accumulation. Several extractions are possible including molars and broken teeth. These pets require an antibiotic injection and are dispensed antibiotics for home administration. An injection for pain is also required. All teeth are cleaned and polished with fluoride.
4. Severe Periodontal Disease and Oral Surgery
Includes advanced oral surgery to remove tumors or perform gingivectomies.
Your pet’s oral health is such an important part in keeping them healthy and happy. Availability is limited, so please call us today to schedule an appointment!